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Response to the Parent Survey 2023

4 January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Governor Response to the Annual Parent Survey 2023

We hope that your child is continuing to enjoy school and is benefitting from everything we are trying to offer. As governors we work alongside the staff to ensure that Holme Community School strives to give its pupils the best possible education.


At the end of the summer term, we conducted a parents’ survey, which we reviewed in our governor meetings in the autumn term to contribute to our school improvement plan for the year ahead. We would like to thank all those parents who responded to the survey.


The results of the survey were overwhelmingly positive with 100% of parents saying they would recommend the school. 100% of parents agreed that the school is well led and managed, and that a good range of subjects are on offer. Almost all parents stated that children were happy, felt safe and that behaviour was good. Parents also highlighted the focus on well-being, the range of clubs, trips and activities, the broad curriculum and communication with parents as strengths of the school.


There were a couple of areas where a few parents felt the school could make some improvements. We’ve reviewed these areas as follows:


Areas for Development

What we are doing about it:

Some parents wanted more information on what children are learning in school.

This year, in September we held online meetings for all parents’ outlining the curriculum for the year. These meetings were recorded and are available on the school website.

Additionally, we’ve produced a new resource which shows the curriculum for each year group for the year, as well as key areas of learning and resources to support learning at home. These are available on the school website.

Finally, the curriculum for each subject is available on the school website.

Some parents wanted more advanced notice of trips for budgeting purposes.

On the curriculum for each year group (mentioned above) we’ve now outlined the trips for the whole year. For non-residential trips, we’ve capped the cost of trips at a maximum of £25, this should support parents with budgeting, but note we endeavour to deliver trips under this cost.

We also are working to give a minimum of three-weeks notice for trips.

Some parents wanted more direct communication with teachers.

Throughout the year we hold three parents’ evenings, provide three written reports and run monthly parent café ‘drop-ins’. Our teachers are on the playground briefly each morning. Should you wish to speak to your child’s class teacher, an appointment can be arranged through the school office and messages can also be passed on.

During the day, we want teachers to focus on teaching without having to worry about responding to emails and dojo messages. Messages coming through the office can be prioritised and directed to the right person at the right time.


Once again, thank you to everyone who completed the survey. It is great to know that the overwhelming majority of you are happy with virtually all aspects of school provision but rest assured: we do not rest on our laurels and will continue to work to make Holme School an exceptional place for your child.


With best wishes,



Susan Turner                                                       Pam Barker

Chair of Governors                                              Vice Chair of Governors

                                                                                Chair of Curriculum, Standards and Effectiveness Committee
