The deadline for applications for Reception places in September 2025 is 15th January 2025


Subject Leader: Mr Smith


At Holme Community School, we view History as a way of encouraging children to become detectives who explore the past in a variety of exciting ways. History allows children to investigate a wide range of sources from which the past may come alive and inspire the children to want to find out more about times gone by. History allows the children to compare and contrast, to examine how and why things have changed, to learn about historical figures and expand their research skills.


We aim to inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past. We teach children to be open minded and enquiring thinkers who gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We want them to understand how people lived in the past and compare this to life in modern times. We encourage first hand experiences through handling real artefacts and historical documents, wherever possible we arrange visits to relevant sites of historical interest within the local area. We also aim to provide first hand experiences with role-play, workshops and visiting experts playing an important part in our topics. 


How was our curriculum developed? 

Our curriculum is based on the national curriculum for history. We used the History Association enquiry based planning as a basis for developing our scheme of work, which has been tailored to support learning of local history. 


You can find out about the history national curriculum here. 
