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Welcome to the PTA section. Our PTA (Parent, Teacher Association) work incredibly hard to raise money for school funds. In the last year they have:

- Paid for a theatre trips for all the children.

- Purchased an interactive LCD TV 

- Purchased 16 brand new Ipads for use in school. 

- Helped purchase VR headsets

- purchased a set of French Dictionaries 

- Contribute to the ongoing running costs of the minibus


In addition to the committee officers, many parents help at a wide range of fundraising events to ensure that the school can continue to invest in providing the very best learning opportunities to all our children.


The PTA committee is currently comprised of: 

Rachel Mizon - Chair 

Jodi Bibby - Vice Chair

David Mizon - Secretary 

Rachel MacFarlane - Treasurer


You can contact the PTA via email at
