Subject Leader: Miss Brown
We want our children to develop a love of English and the opportunities that our language provides. Children will be immersed in text and language rich environments and develop a love of story, poetry and information. They will see themselves as writers and experiment with, and explore language within their own work whilst developing a secure understanding of the technical components of spelling, handwriting, punctuation and grammar.
Through a love of language, children will engage in drama, performance, poetry recitals and role-play. They will develop and use an increasing range of adventurous vocabulary to articulate their view points and read a range of texts which enhance their reading strategies and comprehension skills.
How was our curriculum developed?
Our English curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. You can find out about the English National Curriculum here. We use the Power of Reading scheme of work as a basis for our English curriculum as all lessons are linked to high-quality texts and the planning supports children to write regularly across a range of genres.