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Our Curriculum and SEND

How we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children & young people with SEN.


We want every child to benefit from a great curriculum, which enables them to learn, grow and be fully included in school life. 


Our curriculum is designed not only to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum but to to include a wide range of opportunities that enrich the experience of our children and promote an enthusiasm and curiosity for learning. 


Our very moto, 'Happy Children Succeed' articulates our focus on children, at the centre of all we do, their happiness and their success both now and in the future. To achieve these, we deploy a number of strategies: 


Some of the actions we may take to achieve this are:

  • A heavy emphasis on pastoral care and wellbeing within our curriculum and through additional support. 
  • Creating an inclusive culture where children learn about difference and mutual respect
  • A teaching and learning policy which focusses on meeting the needs of all our learners, through adaptive teaching strategies, like chunking instructions, regular repetition, dual coding and more. 
  • Adapting the curriculum to ensure all children can engage in learning, including through the use of technology, teaching assistants and additional resources.
  • Ensuring that staff are aware of and sensitive to the needs of individual pupils and that teaching is appropriate to meet those needs.
  • To make suitable provision for children with SEND to fully develop their abilities, interests and aptitudes and gain maximum access to the curriculum through individual education plans and interventions. 


At Holme Community School, we work hard to remove barriers for SEND children, enabling them to have full access to the curriculum, educational visits and our full range of extra-curricular opportunities. We ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to enable children with SEND to access a full curriculum and to enrich the experiences of all pupils. We seek advice and training, as necessary to provide relevant and appropriate experiences.  


We recognise that some pupils with SEN work with outside agencies to support their special educational need in addition to the support they receive in the classroom. We work closely with other professionals to facilitate this support in school and at home.  Children with SEN can often work in smaller groups with the teacher or teaching assistant to give them a more concentrated level of support.


More details on how we adapt information, our environment and curriculum can be found in the Accessibility Plan and our Equality Policy which you can find in the policies section of this website.
