Calling all prospective parents, why not come along to our Open Afternoon on Monday 4th November, 2pm - 5pm to see our school in action!

Letter from the Acting Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers,


I am delighted to be appointed as Acting Headteacher of Holme Community School. Over the past two and a half years, as Deputy Head, I have grown to love this school. I care deeply about each of our wonderful children and our dedicated staff team - I am determined to ensure that everyone in our school succeeds in a supportive environment routed in the values of care, co-operation, integrity and respect.


My philosophy for education is simple: that children learn better when they are happy. As Acting Headteacher I will ensure that we put the best interests of every child at the heart of all our decisions, and that we will work tirelessly to ensure that every child is nurtured and challenged to achieve their true potential and pursue their dreams.


Whilst you will all know me, I felt it would be beneficial to outline my experience. I have taught at large and small schools across Lancashire and now Cumbria, teaching a range of year groups. I have held leadership and management roles across a range of areas including teaching and learning, curriculum and behaviour. I was appointed as a Specialist Leader of Education in 2016 and have been involved in supporting other schools, particularly with raising standards in English and supporting the development of middle leadership.

I am Local Authority Moderator and I am currently a member of the Executive Steering Group for Ripley Teaching School Alliance, involved in the delivery of a new teacher training course for aspiring primary school teachers.


Outside of education, I have worked as an Independent Child Safeguarding Consultant for Save the Children UK, and currently serve on The UK Scouts Safeguarding Committee - with responsibility for policy development and the training of 100,000 adult volunteers across the UK.


I live in Lancaster and got married in August. I love walking, skiing, reading, travelling and spending time with my ever-increasing number of nieces, nephews and god-children.


As ever, thank you for your support and for the trust you place in us - to care for and educate your child. I hope that we can work together to make Holme Community School an even happier and more successful school than before. Should you have any questions, concerns or things to celebrate, then please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely,

Craig Dewar-Willox

Acting Headteacher
