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COVID-19 - Coronavirus

Dear Parents,


I wanted to write to you with an update on the actions that the school is taking in regards to the outbreak of coronavirus.


The situation is changing daily and I know that many of you are concerned about the outbreak and the impact on school. We are constantly taking advice from the Department for Education, Public Health England and a private health and safety consultancy firm.


The government have today announced that we will move from the 'containment' to 'delay' phase of response.


Effective immediately, anybody with a high temperature (37.8 degrees and above), or with a continuous cough must stay at home for seven days.


Please ensure that you report all absences in the normal way to the school office.


At present, schools will remain open across the UK. We are, however, preparing for the possibility of a prolonged school closure in the coming weeks and we are looking at ways to support the education of our children if this occurs.


At Holme Community School, a number of staff members have underlying health conditions and as a result, to minimise the risk, I have taken the decision to cancel the parents' evenings next week. This is not a decision that I have taken lightly, but I hope you understand that at this point bringing lots of extra people in to school does not seem appropriate.


We will be sending out interim reports at the end of this term as normal. Should you wish to speak to your child's class teacher, please arrange a telephone appointment via the school office.


The Department for Education has launched a new helpline for staff, parents and young people and you can contact the helpline as follows:

Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)


I will continue to keep you informed of any developments which impact on our school.


Thank you for your support in this matter.

Craig Dewar-Willox


