The deadline for applications for Reception places in September 2025 is 15th January 2025

Changes to our homework policy


In response to feedback from the parent survey, as a school we have decided to re-visit our policy for setting homework. A copy of the new homework policy can be found on the school website, in the policies section.


However, I did want to bring your attention to the key changes, which will be implemented tomorrow.


We will be introducing weekly learning logs. The aim of this is:

  • To give parents a summary of what their child has been learning in class within the week

  • To give children a framework in which they can evaluate their learning through homework tasks

  • To give parents a chance to give feedback on areas of the homework that children enjoyed or found tricky

  • To give children individual targets focussed on number facts, times tables, mathematical facts, spelling, vocabulary and phonics (appropriate to their own stage in development)

  • To give additional, optional homework for children who may want additional challenges to reinforce their learning in Key Stage Two

  • Children in Key Stage Two will also write their own personal target for the following week after discussion with their teacher

  • To provide a consistent approach to homework throughout the school.


From tomorrow all homework will be set on a Friday, and due in the following Wednesday. All homework will be completed in one book- the learning log- to show progress over time.


All homework, which is handed in on time, will be acknowledged by the teacher with a brief comment in the teacher comment box on the learning log sheet. Parents are also encouraged to comment on their child’s homework.


Year 6 will continue with the format that they have been using already for the rest of this academic year and therefore these changes do not apply to them.


Finally, all children are actively encouraged to complete their homework, and will be rewarded, with house points, for doing so. However, we know many of our children lead busy and active lives outside of school and their lives are enriched by a range of extra-curricular activities and clubs, as such we appreciate that sometimes the children may struggle to complete all their homework. There will be no sanction for this.


As ever, should you have any questions, queries or feedback then please do not hesitate to get in touch.


With best wishes,


Craig Dewar

Deputy Headteacher

