Calling all prospective parents, why not come along to our Open Afternoon on Monday 4th November, 2pm - 5pm to see our school in action!

A New Headteacher for Holme

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Head Teacher Position


I’m writing on behalf of the school Governing Body to provide you with an update on the appointment of a permanent Headteacher for Holme Community School.


We are delighted to be able to confirm that, following a rigorous selection and assessment process, Craig Dewar-Willox has been offered and has accepted the post of permanent Head Teacher. The six members of the recruitment panel were unanimous in their decision.


I’m sure you will join us in congratulating Mr Dewar-Willox and are as confident as we are that our school, its staff and most importantly its children will continue to flourish under his headship.


I’d like to thank the governors, the school staff and the children for their patience and assistance throughout the process.


Best regards,

Catherine Starrs

Chair of Governors
